blockchain tools

10 Best Blockchain Tools you should know

The promising prospects for a job in blockchain are gradually drawing more candidates to the blockchain labor market. Blockchain is the most favorable choice for anyone seeking a career in the field of technology. However, candidates aspiring for careers in blockchain must understand blockchain tools and how to use them for different blockchain-related tasks. 

What are the specific tools you should know for becoming a blockchain professional? The blockchain ecosystem offers multiple value-oriented tools tailored to help you with blockchain development, security, or architecture. On the other hand, certain tools have become popular among blockchain practitioners. The following discussion helps you discover the top blockchain tools you should be using right now.

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Top Tools for Blockchain Professionals

Any individual deciding to pursue a career in blockchain must have an eye on the lucrative returns. However, finding a job in the field of blockchain is not as easy as it sounds. It is important to have the necessary skills in the best blockchain tools for building a strong career. Here is an outline of the top tools needed for every blockchain practitioner. 

Top Tools for Blockchain Professionals

1. Solidity 


Solidity is one of the foremost entries in top blockchain developer tools for creating dApps and smart contracts. It is an open-source, object-oriented programming language based on the design of Python, JavaScript, and C++. Solidity focuses on Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM and helps in writing self-executing smart contract code. It offers support for multiple complicated user-defined data types, libraries, and contract inheritance. The features in Solidity make it an easy and reliable choice for developers. 

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2. Ganache


Blockchain practitioners must also develop fluency in blockchain analysis tools like Ganache. It works as a blockchain simulator you can implement on your local system. Ganache helps a GUI in the simulation of blockchain networks without creating real test networks or actual remote networks. Users can find vacant Ethereum addresses on the blockchain simulator with fake 100 ETH in every account. The primary function of Ganache focuses on testing and deploying smart contracts alongside decentralized applications.

3. Solc


Solc or Solidity Compiler is basically a command-line compiler for programs scripted in Solidity. The compiler focuses on converting Solidity code to EVM bytecode for enabling easier interpretation. Solc is one of the top 10 blockchain tools with two distinct variants, such as Solc and Solcjs. The usual Solc has been developed with C++, which serves as a command-line compiler. On the other hand, Solcjs is actually a Nodejs library which works as a command-line interpreter. 

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4. Remix


The list of most used blockchain tools would also include Remix, an Ethereum IDE. It helps in execution and deployment of Solidity smart contracts. The compilers in Remix IDE offer compatibility with every variant of Solidity alongside a simulated blockchain environment. It can also facilitate connection with the Ethereum blockchain by leveraging the Metamask wallet. 

5. Web3.js

web3 js

Web3.js is also one of the popular blockchain tools for blockchain practitioners. The tool features a collection of libraries which help users in interacting with Ethereum nodes either locally or remotely. Users can avail of an API for interacting with blockchain networks easily. It actually serves as a type of JSON RPC wrapper for creating connections to remote or local Ethereum nodes.


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6. Parity


The name Parity is also one of the significant entries among the top 10 blockchain tools for practitioners. It is basically a management tool you can use for critical missions. Parity offers a viable infrastructure for ensuring fast and reliable service along with an improved transaction rate. Most important of all, it works with less memory and ensures faster synchronization.

7. Metamask

metamask Any individual who wants to work with blockchain would obviously come across the need for a crypto wallet. The most popular crypto wallet Metamask is one of the most used blockchain tools for storing, sending, and receiving ETH alongside other ETH tokens. Metamask is available as a web browser extension and serves as an interface between dApps and blockchain networks. Furthermore, Metamask also supports connections with exchanges such as Coinbase and Shapeshift for selling and purchasing ERC-20 tokens and ETH cryptocurrency.

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8. Truffle


The list of blockchain development tools would also include Truffle for its capabilities as a comprehensive blockchain development environment. It helps in the compilation, testing, and deployment of smart contracts and the creation of decentralized applications. The platform enables automated contract testing by leveraging frameworks such as Mocha and Chai. Most important of all, Truffle features a complete collection of libraries alongside in-built procedures for an easier process in the development and deployment of smart contracts. 

9. Geth


Another significant entry among the best blockchain tools you should know is Geth, the Ethereum node implementation. Based on the Go programming language, Geth serves three distinct interfaces for easier usability. The three interfaces include the interactive console, a command line, and a JSON-RPC server. On top of it, Geth also provides the necessary support for blockchain development on different popular operating systems. Geth serves as an ideal choice for different tasks such as assessment of block history, smart contract development, Ether token mining, and token transfers.

10. Embark


The final addition among tools for blockchain development and blockchain analysis tools would focus on Embark. It is an interesting blockchain development and management tool for supporting the development of decentralized applications. Embark offers an environment for developing and deploying serverless HTML5 applications. One of the interesting highlights about Embark is that it relies directly on the contract code. In addition, Embark also offers flexible support for managing migration alongside multiple contracts.

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Bottom Line

The outline of essential blockchain tools you should know serves some of the best options you can use for becoming blockchain professionals. Interestingly, 101 Blockchains courses and certifications can help you build your fluency in the essential tools required for blockchain development, analysis, and other important tasks. The collection of courses on 101 Blockchains can help you learn the use of IDEs, simulation tools, and crypto-wallets

On top of it, you can also prove your expertise in the tools for blockchain professionals with certifications. Navigate the courses and certifications on 101 blockchains to improve your command of blockchain-related tools. Build your identity as an all-around expert in blockchain with skills and knowledge of top tools used by blockchain professionals right now.

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*Disclaimer: The article should not be taken as, and is not intended to provide any investment advice. Claims made in this article do not constitute investment advice and should not be taken as such. 101 Blockchains shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this article. Do your own research!

About The Author

Content Writer and Customer Relationship Specialist

Georgia Weston is one of the most prolific thinkers in the blockchain space. In the past years, she came up with many clever ideas that brought scalability, anonymity and more features to the open blockchains. She has a keen interest in topics like Blockchain, NFTs, Defis, etc., and is currently working with 101 Blockchains as a content writer and customer relationship specialist.

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