top web3 skills

Most in-demand skills for Web3 jobs

The role of the internet in facilitating digital advancements can never go unnoticed. However, the internet itself is also evolving over the course of time, with prominent changes in the type of content and user experiences. In the early days of the internet, websites were static and served information only. The arrival of web2 allowed users to interact with web pages and create content. Now, the web 3.0 phase turns more towards decentralized control of the users. 

The evolution of web 3.0 has also spurred the demand for web3 jobs with lucrative opportunities. Since web3 is the future of the internet, many aspiring professionals want to capitalize on job opportunities on web3. What are the skills which can help you become a web3 professional? The following discussion helps you find the answer with an outline of the important skills required for web 3.0 jobs.

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What is Web 3.0?

what makes web 3.0 so unique

Before you try learning more about top web3 skills, it is important to know about web3 and its significance. Web 3.0 is basically the latest stage in the evolution of internet technologies, also referred to as decentralized web. A major share of advancements in the field of web3 has been driven by applications and services based on distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain.

Other developments in web3, such as semantic web, could help in improving communication between computers and humans with machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. The prospects for adoption of web3 technologies also rest heavily on the value advantages of allowing better control to users over their data. 

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Demand for Web 3.0 Jobs

The discussions about best web3 skills have gained momentum in recent times with the formidable growth in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In addition, the new advancements such as non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance or DeFi, and metaverse technologies also present promising roads ahead for web 3.0. 

As a matter of fact, Gartner has predicted that almost 25% of users would spend almost an hour a day in the metaverse by 2026. People would use the metaverse for shopping, social interactions, entertainment, work, or education purposes. Blockchain technology has induced promising paradigm shifts towards decentralized protocols, thereby establishing new business models. For example, web browsers do not collect or track user data in web3, like the Brave browser.

The demand for web3 jobs is also increasing profoundly due to applications of blockchain in different industries other than finance. As the technologies pave the road to an improved web 3.0 ecosystem, the industry would need more professionals.

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Job Roles in Web 3.0

If you are prepared to invest your time in learning about the most in-demand web3 skills, then you must know about the job opportunities you can explore in web3. The notable job roles in the domain of web3 include the following,

You can explore many other non-technical job roles in the field of web3. However, you must be concerned regarding web3 salary estimates. The financial incentives associated with jobs in web3 are one of the foremost reasons for driving the demand for web 3.0 skills. As a matter of fact, the average salary for a web3 developer would grow by humongous margins in 2022. 

The average estimate of web3 jobs salary ranges between $70,000 and $230,000 annually, depending on skills and experience of the professional. Why do you have such high salary estimates in the field of web3? The obvious answer would point to the need for skills to develop web3 applications. Web3 professionals must have fluency in smart contracts, cloud architectures, security, and many other skills. 

However, the comparative shortage of professionals with top web3 skills is one of the biggest factors contributing to the lucrative salary estimates. With around half a million web3 developers in comparison to 32 million web2 developers and the continuous growth of web3 applications, the demand and supply equation has been imbalanced. Therefore, companies are willing to pay more to have a web3 expert on board. 

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Skills Required to Become a Web 3.0 Professional

The prospects for career development in web 3.0 showcase adequate reasons to pursue the best web3 jobs of your choice. Companies such as Coinbase, Consensys, Accenture, Rarible, and Chainlink Labs are actively seeking web3 professionals. At the same time, you cannot ignore the necessity of learning important skills which can help you become a web3 expert. It is also important to note that you would need the ideal set of technology skills and soft skills for web 3.0 jobs. Let us go through an overview of important skills in both categories. 

Technology Skills

The foremost priority in your search for best web3 skills should focus on technology skills. Technical skills can help you establish a strong foundation for your web3 career and garner the attention of potential employers. Here are some of the important technical skills you must learn for jobs in the web 3.0 ecosystem.

  • Blockchain

Blockchain technology is not built for Bitcoin only. Interestingly, blockchain and web3 technologies have evolved beyond the boundaries of a single project. Blockchain expertise is a must-have for anyone seeking a hefty web3 salary tag. Blockchain technology is basically a shared peer-to-peer database with data distributed throughout all computers in the network. All the transactions on blockchain are anonymous and encrypted. Therefore, blockchain is practically the foundation of a major share of developments in the domain of web3.

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  • Ethereum

General knowledge of blockchain technology is not the only prerequisite for becoming a web3 expert. Another top entry in most in-demand web3 skills refers to the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is one of the significant and integral components in the web 3.0 tech stack as it hosts many decentralized applications, which are a vital part of web3. Ethereum hosts decentralized protocols, applications, non-fungible tokens, and many other cryptocurrencies. The programmable nature of Ethereum and the support for smart contract development make it a mandatory component for web3. 

  • Smart Contracts

You would also need comprehensive knowledge of smart contracts to fetch lucrative web3 jobs salary estimates. Smart contracts are basically code that can execute automatically for performing the necessary actions specified in an agreement between different parties.

Smart contracts don’t depend on any intermediaries and help in carrying out the terms and conditions in binding contracts. The benefits of immutability, security, and safety from tampering make smart contracts one of the vital requirements for web3. Smart contracts empower many applications such as NFT marketplaces and DAOs.    

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  • Solidity

If you want to become a web3 professional, then you must know the language of web3. Solidity is one of the top web3 skills as it is the programming language for the web3 ecosystem. It is the popular language for developing smart contracts on Ethereum, and almost everything on Ethereum has been developed on Solidity. 

Professionals interested in web3 job roles must also work on developing their programming skills in Solidity. The good news is that Solidity features a similar design to high-level languages such as C++, Python, and JavaScript. Therefore, you are less likely to experience any trouble in the learning curve for Solidity programming. 

  • Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are one of the most revolutionary interventions powering the web3 landscape right now. You cannot think of a list of best web3 skills in the tech stack without referring to NFTs. Non-fungible tokens are the digital assets for the web3 ecosystem, and a web3 professional needs knowledge about token standards and creating or trading NFTs.        

  • GraphQL

The next important addition among the most in-demand web3 skills refers to GraphQL. It serves as a singular interface of open-source APIs, which can help in querying multiple blockchain networks. In comparison to REST, the APIs rely on scalable architectures such as objects and graphs. On top of it, GraphQL offers better control to clients, which is essential for client-centric applications, like decentralized applications

  • Decentralized Finance

Another addition among the tech stack for web3 jobs would refer to DeFi. You need to learn about the way decentralization works in the domain of finance. Web3 professionals must have the skills for designing and developing smart contract-based dApps for facilitating financial services. The future implications with DeFi showcase a formidable need for aspiring web3 professionals to learn about the concept and use it in their job.

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Soft Skills

The second important category of top web3 skills would refer to soft skills. While technical skills help you build a strong foundation for your web3 career, soft skills help in marketing your skills and delivering value to your employers. What are the important soft skills which would ensure that you are fit for a web 3.0 job role? Here are some of the important soft skills you would need to become a web3 professional. 

  • Communication 

The obvious entry among top skills for a hefty web3 salary estimate would refer to communication skills. Communication skills are practically helpful for any job role, and in the case of web3, it can help in better information exchange and feedback.

  • Team Working 

The second most prominent soft skill required for web 3.0 jobs refers to working with teams. Teamwork is crucial for web3 professionals, especially the ones working in development roles. Professionals with the ability to work with a team and coordinate their roles and responsibilities for achieving task objectives can serve as better assets in web3 projects. 

  • Dynamic and Fast-paced

The next popular soft skill among the most in-demand web3 skills refers to the ability to stay updated with latest trends. Web3 professionals must be dynamic and fast-paced with the skills for adapting efficiently to evolving technology trends. 

The other important soft skills required for web3 professionals include logical thinking, self-motivation, leadership, and intellectual curiosity. On top of it, all web3 professionals must have an inherent passion for the web3 landscape and dedication toward blockchain and cryptocurrencies

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Final Words

The overview of top web3 skills shows that blockchain expertise and fluency in smart contract development, as well as NFTs and DeFi, are essential for building your web3 career. At the same time, aspiring web3 professionals must also focus on sharpening up their programming acumen with specialization in Solidity. It is also important to note the significance of soft skills in developing a web3 professional. 

Communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and adaptability are some of the obvious and crucial soft skills for aspiring web3 experts. Furthermore, the commitment toward web3 technologies and the passion for learning more about the field can also drive promising developments for your web3 career. Start learning more about web3 and land up with your dream web 3.0 job now.

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*Disclaimer: The article should not be taken as, and is not intended to provide any investment advice. Claims made in this article do not constitute investment advice and should not be taken as such. 101 Blockchains shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this article. Do your own research!

About The Author

Content Writer and Customer Relationship Specialist

Georgia Weston is one of the most prolific thinkers in the blockchain space. In the past years, she came up with many clever ideas that brought scalability, anonymity and more features to the open blockchains. She has a keen interest in topics like Blockchain, NFTs, Defis, etc., and is currently working with 101 Blockchains as a content writer and customer relationship specialist.

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